Bandana 101

We get it, while almost all of you are like “Oh s#!t - unique, fun, sarcastic, ironic bandana prints - amazing!!”, we realize that a small percentage of the population might be like “WTF, why bandanas?”

For the latter case (the ONE of you), here are 12 reasons why bandanas rock your world:

  1. Blindfold – when you don’t see something, it didn’t happen
  2. UV Protection – protect your skin from the Crematoria-like rays of the sun Looque Enhancer – your “looque” is your personal look, but on steroids
  3. Do-Rag – is your wig out of control? Tame it
  4. Pet Sling – forgot your pet carrier? Easily transport any pet up to 150 lbs
  5. Coffee filter – when the CVS is just too far away
  6. Ninja – you thought those black running tights were a good idea, here’s why
  7. Pirate – explore the dreams you’ve been having about Captain Morgan
  8. Hangover Concealer – the less of your face that’s visible, the better
  9. Hamstring Stretcher – cancel your gym membership. You’re welcome!
  10. Underwear – just don’t walk over a subway grate (or DO)
  11. Emergency Work Attire – forgot your tie? your shirt? No problem
  12. Hobo Stick – you know what to do. This is why you bought the bandana

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The monthly winner will receive one free new bandana, and be featured on our site (and social media).